Lillapa Christmas card 2015

So I was seduced by a bit of subtle sparkle this Christmas – subtle sparkle, is that possible? : )
One design, two colourways. A vivid pink and kelly green, both colours mixed by eye to achieve the colour of the envelopes sourced.
The clear foil is really beautiful to use – it gives what could be a very subtle debossing, a little help.
Just because I get asked, I wanted to show you the difference between clear foil (which replicates a spot UV) and a debossed image for a nice deep impression.
Green version – just for Alex : )
The finished prints – I love the simplicity of the design this year, with just that little pop of colour.
All set ready for Alan the postie.
Merry Christmas everyone, hope Santa was good to you all : )

Rowen & Wren’s bespoke Christmas cards

As always it was lovely to be approached by the wonderful team at Rowen & Wren to design and print their Christmas cards this year which would be sent to their suppliers, friends and the press. A little keep-sake for your tree.
I think this is what I love about working with Rowen & Wren – nice open briefs and a trust in the end result. Only criteria was, that it was to feature a tip-on brass star decoration that could be removed and kept.
The final proposal was an amalgamation of two proposals, the close up tree detail with the decoration, and the calendar entry. I really liked the idea of the card having a function as a count down to christmas so you could use both the star as a decoration but the card itself had a purpose.
First print pass, and a little trimming – testing the fold.
Goollllllllllldddddddddd! Sooooo shiny – I love it.
Final consertina folding and stacking ready for delivery.
All done and dusted, it’s the total satisfaction of each print pass revealing more of the design, building up the layers.
The decoration, the hanging calendar, and the calendar entry, how many more sleeps?